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Beat The Summer Heat

Keep Your Cool

Is your refrigerator struggling to keep up with the summer heat? Watch out for these warning signs: soft ice cream, quickly spoiling milk, or unusual noises. These could indicate a failing motor. Don’t wait until it’s too late – call Appliance Master today to prevent food loss.

Is your freezer acting up? Ice crystals, frost, or freezer burn might mean your freezer temperature is rising above 32°F. Check for air leaks by seeing if the door holds a slip of paper in place. Bottom freezer drawers should slide smoothly without gaps.

Expert Tips for a Cooler Kitchen

Avoid DIY Fixes:

Clearing defrost drains or removing ice buildup can cause more harm than good. It won’t solve the problem and may void your warranty.

Set The Right Temperature:

Keep your fridge at 37-40°F and your freezer at 0°F. Every one degree cooler uses 2.5% more energy.

Clean Those Coils:

Regular cleaning can boost efficiency by up to 30%. Condenser coils should be cleaned at least once a year – more often if your refrigerator does not have good air circulation or if you have furry pets.

Mind The Room Temperature:

If the room temperature is too high, your refrigerator will need extra energy to stay cool. If it’s too low, the thermostat may not cycle properly.

Avoid placing your fridge near heat sources or in cold areas.

Remember, you can help your refrigerator maintain its temperature by opening it less frequently, letting hot foods cool before putting them in the fridge, and keeping your fridge and freezer full.

Call Appliance Master for professional help. We have the expertise to diagnose and fix your refrigerator problems.

Stay cool and enjoy your summer!

Bill Cummins

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