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Things You Never Want To See In Your Refrigerator


Water: Unless something has spilled, this is usually a sign of an ice-maker or defrost system problem.

What you’re not seeing could be even worse, maybe damaging other parts of the unit or leaking out of the refrigerator causing damage to the floor.
Your best bet is to call Appliance Master for service to find out exactly what’s causing the problem and determine the appropriate repair solution.


Ice: Our recent Facebook Live focused on finding ice in your refrigerator/freezer where it doesn’t belong.

Ice inside the refrigerator is usually caused by a defrost drain clog or leak. Appliance Master technicians have the right tools to correct this problem.
Ice can also build up inside the ice/water through the door dispenser. Call Appliance Master to address this immediately if you don’t want to have a much bigger and more expensive problem.


Dark Green or Black Goo: Unless something has spilled, this is usually a sign of a defrost system problem.

Cleaning it up is a good idea, however that won’t solve the underlying problem. Your best bet is to call Appliance Master for service to find out exactly what’s causing the malfunction and determine the appropriate repair solution.


Dark Stains on the Plastic Parts: These are usually due to spills and should be cleaned up ASAP.

Soy sauce, beet juice and cherry juice can be difficult to remove. Cleaning with warm soapy water is a good way to start, followed by baking soda or a Magic Eraser.

Bill Cummins

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