Now that Winter has gone and Spring is here, it is time to prepare your grill to get some use …. and for some of us, A Lot Of Use.
Yes, we know that for some of you Grill Masters, your time to grill is all year round. But, for the majority of grill owners, preparing your grill to come out of its winter hibernation and ready for use during the spring and summer months is an exciting time of year.
To help you get your grill ready for grilling season, we have put together 4 Tips to get your grill ready for use today.

1. Look For Signs Of Winter Guests
During the colder months of the year our furry woodland friends (and sometimes unwanted friends) can make their home inside your grill. Remove any nests, nuts and debris they may have left behind.

2. Remove & Inspect
Remove the grates and burners. Check for any signs of spider webs, plugged holes, cracks, rust or flaking along both the burners and grates. If your grill has briquettes, check to make sure they are solid and not crumbling. Check that wires are in good condition. They can become corroded, disconnected or even chewed through by rodents. Inspect the hoses from your propane to your burners that they are intact, clean and free of any holes or tears.

3. Give It A Good Cleaning
After completing steps 1 & 2, turn your grill on and let it heat up to the maximum temperature for 10 or 15 minutes. Then let it cool completely. This will make final clean up easier. Clean grates with a wire brush. Scrape and vacuum the interior. Clean or replace grease traps. Finally replace the battery.
(Do not use soap and water on grates. This will remove seasoning and may cause them to rust)

3. Give It A Good Cleaning
Put everything back together. Check optional accessories: rotisserie motor, sear burner and lights. Now give it a test run. Check for proper ignition. Make sure burners are fully lit and heating evenly. Lastly, make sure the grill gets up to operating temperate.
Watch our Appliance Master Live Episode where Bill and Tom take you on-site to prepare a customer’s Lynx Grill for Grilling Season.
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